Donations may be made by a personal check or a check delivered from your bank by billpay.
Checks may be mailed to:
Charlton Freehold PC
768 Charlton Road
Charlton, NY 12019
A check written to CHARLTON FREEHOLD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH will assist us in maintaining, operating and improving our historic 170 year old house of worship. Our history can be viewed on this website choosing the upper tab "ABOUT" and clicking on "HISTORY" in the pull down menu.
A check written to CHARLTON FREEHOLD DEACONS will support local charities as well as caring for our members and neighbors in time of need. The charities we support are listed on this website using the upper tab labeled OUTREACH.
Donations to the Deacons may be mailed to:
Charlton Freehold Deacons
768 Charlton Road
Charlton, NY 12019
Again, we offer a heartfelt THANK YOU for considering or making a donation to our Christian community. We sincerely hope you will consider visiting us if you are in the area.